The Power of Corporate Explainer Video Production

Aug 1, 2024

In today's digital age, corporate explainer video production has become a significant component of effective marketing strategies. Businesses, large and small, are realizing the powerful impact that well-crafted video content can have on communicating their messages clearly and concisely. In this extensive article, we delve into the importance of corporate explainer videos, explore the production process, and discuss how these videos can enhance brand visibility and engagement.

What is a Corporate Explainer Video?

A corporate explainer video is a short, informative video that aims to explain a company's product, service, or overall value proposition. Typically ranging from 60 seconds to three minutes, these videos serve as a critical tool to captivate viewers, simplify complex ideas, and foster a deeper understanding of what a business offers. The essence of a corporate explainer video lies in its ability to communicate directly to the target audience with clarity and creativity.

Why Are Corporate Explainer Videos Essential for Businesses?

Corporate explainer videos have gained immense popularity for a variety of reasons. Below are some key advantages they offer:

  • Improved Engagement: Videos capture attention far more effectively than text or static images. Engaging visuals paired with compelling narratives can significantly enhance viewer retention.
  • Enhanced Communication: Complex ideas can be challenging to convey through text alone. Videos allow for the combination of visuals, audio, and storytelling, providing an effective medium for clear communication.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: Websites incorporating explainer videos often experience higher conversion rates. Viewers are more likely to engage with the content and take desired actions, such as signing up or making a purchase.
  • Versatile Marketing Tool: Whether for social media, websites, or presentations, explainer videos can be adapted for various platforms, maximizing their reach and impact.
  • Boosted SEO: Video content can improve search engine rankings. Google prioritizes websites with rich media content, making explainer videos an excellent addition to your digital marketing strategy.

The Process of Creating Effective Corporate Explainer Videos

Creating a captivating corporate explainer video involves several critical stages. Each step is essential in ensuring the final product aligns with the business's objectives and resonates with the target audience.

1. Understanding the Objective

Before diving into production, it is vital to establish the primary objective of the video. What key message do you want to convey? Is it to increase brand awareness, explain a service, or drive sales? Understanding the goal will guide the entire production process.

2. Defining the Target Audience

Knowing who your audience is will shape the content and style of the video. Tailoring the message to appeal to specific demographics will make the video more effective. Consider factors such as age, interests, and pain points when crafting your narrative.

3. Scriptwriting

A powerful script is the backbone of any explainer video. It should be concise, engaging, and tailored to communicate the brand message effectively. Focus on clarity and relatability while ensuring the language aligns with your audience's vernacular.

4. Storyboarding

Once the script is finalized, creating a storyboard is essential. This visual representation outlines how each scene will unfold, including graphics, text, and audio elements. The storyboard serves as a plan for the video production team, ensuring everyone is aligned on the vision.

5. Production

Production involves filming, animating, or creating graphics for the explainer video. The choice between live-action and animation depends on the message and branding. Utilizing high-quality visuals and professional sound engineering will enhance production value.

6. Post-Production

In the post-production phase, editing is critical. This includes cutting scenes, adding music, incorporating voiceovers, and ensuring the flow of the video aligns with the storytelling. The result should be a polished, captivating explainer video that effectively communicates the brand message.

7. Distribution and Promotion

After the video is produced, it’s time to share it with the world. Posting it on your website, sharing it on social media, and using it for email marketing are excellent ways to maximize its reach. Consider SEO techniques such as optimizing titles and descriptions to improve visibility.

Best Practices for Corporate Explainer Video Production

To ensure your corporate explainer video stands out, consider the following best practices:

  • KISS Principle: Keep it simple, stupid! Avoid overcomplicating the narrative. A straightforward message ensures maximum understanding.
  • Quality Matters: Invest in professional production services. High-quality visuals and sound can significantly enhance the viewer's experience.
  • Brand Consistency: Ensure the video's style, tone, and message align with your corporate identity and branding guidelines. This builds trust and recognition.
  • Call to Action: End with a clear call to action. Post-explainer, the viewer should know what to do next—whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting your sales team.
  • Optimize for Different Platforms: Tailor the video format and length based on where it will be published. Different platforms may have varying audience expectations.

Industries That Benefit from Corporate Explainer Video Production

Corporate explainer video production is not limited to one industry; it transcends sectors. Here are a few that particularly benefit:

1. Real Estate

In the real estate industry, explainer videos can effectively showcase properties, explain services, and offer tours. These videos can enhance listings by providing a 360-degree view, improving buyer engagement and interest.

2. E-commerce

Online retail businesses leverage explainer videos to highlight product features, demonstrate use cases, and differentiate themselves from competitors. High-quality videos can significantly influence purchasing decisions.

3. Technology and Software

Tech companies often face the challenge of explaining complex products. Corporate explainer videos can break down functionalities and illustrate the benefits of a product or service, improving customer comprehension and adoption rates.

4. Education

Educational institutions and e-learning platforms utilize explainer videos to explain course offerings, enrollment processes, and e-learning systems, enhancing engagement and providing clarity.

5. Healthcare

In healthcare, explainer videos can educate patients about procedures, explain new healthcare technologies, and communicate essential information regarding health services, thus fostering better patient relationships.

Case Studies of Successful Corporate Explainer Videos

Many companies have effectively utilized corporate explainer videos, demonstrating their impact. Here are a couple of case studies:

1. Slack

Slack's explainer video is famous for its engaging storytelling and humor. The video effectively conveys the platform's value while keeping viewers entertained, which led to a significant boost in user engagement and retention.

2. Dropbox

Dropbox utilized a simple yet powerful animation to explain their cloud storage service's benefits. Their explainer video contributed to a dramatic increase in user sign-ups, partly due to its clarity and succinctness.

Measuring the Success of Your Corporate Explainer Video

After launching your explainer video, measuring its success is crucial. Here are key metrics to consider:

  • View Count: Track how many people have watched your video. A high view count indicates initial interest.
  • Engagement Rate: Observe how viewers interact with your video—likes, shares, and comments can indicate its effectiveness.
  • Completion Rate: Analyze what percentage of viewers watched the video to the end. A low completion rate may suggest a need for improvement in content or length.
  • Conversion Rate: Measure how many viewers took the desired action post-viewing, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.


In closing, corporate explainer video production represents a robust tool in modern marketing. Its ability to engage audiences, simplify complex information, and enhance brand communication makes it invaluable across various industries. As businesses like continue to embrace this medium, they can foster deeper connections with their audiences, drive engagement, and ultimately achieve greater success. The power of video is undeniable, and in an era where visual content reigns supreme, investing in high-quality corporate explainer videos is a strategy that can yield significant payoffs.